Now live: free Entropy Service at

A free entropy service utilizing the Infinite Noise TRNG is now live on !

Using this service, anyone can explore, test and use the Infinite Noise TRNG for free – without having to buy the actual hardware.

You can register using the form on – or this iframe. No personal data required.

You’ll receive an API token after solving the captcha.

Token’s not used for over 30 days will automatically be removed/invalidated.

# Get some SHA-3 whitened entropy (binary)

# Get some SHA-3 whitened entropy (in hex)

# Get some raw entropy (in hex)

Be aware that the service is provided on a best effort base with no warranties or whatsoever.
Please be nice with it; it is hosted on a Raspberry Pi.

As soon as the code has been cleaned up a bit (and worked for a while) it will also be made available publicly.
Spoiler alert: all captchas and API tokens are also generated from the internal entropy pool.

the black USB stick in the upper right is an early infnoise prototype

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